We foster space for femininity in a sport dominated by the masculine. Our climbing specific programs are intended for all women, and genderqueer humans too. ​
v. throw caution to the wind and go senselessly big!! We can send climbs, send our careers, we can send it all! Our goal is to help women and genderqueer humans send whatever they set their intentions on, climbing related or not. We are in it together.
Core Values

Our first priority is to continue offering subsidized quality outdoor rock climbing education to women + genderqueer climbers. This serves two fold: creating more accessibility for our community and carving safer spaces for learning.
Despite climbing being one of the fastest growing sports in the world, it can be an intimidating and lonely space. Through our clinics, and events we hope to bring together like-minded humans who create connections for their lifetime.


Climbing is the perfect vehicle for self discovery and the realization of ones strengths. By supporting each She Sends climber just as they are, our hope is that one's relationship with climbing and self strengthens, thereby generating more welcoming and inclusive community as a whole.
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“what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn
that since day one
she's already had everything she needs within herself
it's the world that convinced her she did not”
Rupi Kaur - The Sun and Her Flowers